Modern Control Center APK file free download

Modern Control Center APK file free download

Change your Control center with modern look

Foreground Service Permission

Our application uses a foreground service to remain active on devices running Android 12 and above. 
Due to stricter background service restrictions, this is essential to prevent the system from terminating the service. 
The foreground service ensures our app can provide a persistent overlay screen, enabling control actions whenever the user swipes down from the top of the screen. This functionality is crucial for a seamless and uninterrupted user experience.

Accessibility Service

We use the Accessibility Service to display overlay windows for the lock screen and provide functions such as locking the screen, taking screenshots, and showing the power menu.

Read Notifications

The app reads notifications to display media controls and notifications on the lock screen.

Bluetooth Permission

Bluetooth permission is required for connecting to earbuds and AirPods.


If you encounter any issues while using this application, please let us know, and we will address them as soon as possible.

Modern Control Center Features

Control buttons for 10 frequently used settings



Modern Control Center is designed to enhance your top slide-down control panel, giving it a fresh and modern look.


Category: Personalization App
Developer: Jalan
Updated  06 March, 2025
Android V  : 7.0+
App Version : 1.75

NOTE: XAPK File game or App must be compress with Zarchiver or any other XAPK Compressor App before you install it



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