Socrative Student APK file free download for Android

Socrative Student APK file free download for Android

Real-time quizzing and polling for the classroom. Visualize understanding!

Students share their understanding by answering formative assessment questions in a variety of formats: quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races. Once students launch the Socrative Student App, they'll be prompted to join the teacher's room via the teacher's unique code. No student accounts necessary!


• Visualize student and whole class understanding

• Multiple choice and True/False questions

• Open-ended questions and vote on the results

• End of class Exit Tickets

• Play games with our Space Race!

• Class, Question and Student level reports

Google Integrations

• Single Sign On - Teachers can sign in using their Google Email Address

• Drive Integration – Teachers can have reports sent to their Google Drive

Supported Browsers and Devices

• Socrative works on every browser: including Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.

• Use any Web Enabled device: including Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Desktops


Category: Education App
Developer: Socrative Inc.
Updated    : 10/02/2025.
Android V  : 4.1+
App Version : 4.8.1

NOTE: XAPK File game or App must be compress with Zarchiver or any other XAPK Compressor App before you install it



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