FlexCalc Flexible Calculator APK file free download

FlexCalc Flexible Calculator APK file free download

Easily edit and automatically update linked calculations.

FlexCalc offers a fresh calculation experience on Android with flexible editing and instant result updates.

Key features:

- Highlight and edit any number in your sequence – when you change that number, the result updates automatically.

- With a selected result, you can perform any operation – e.g., divide, subtract, or add – and create a linked number below, allowing you to start a new calculation related to the original one.

- Share results easily with a screenshot of the calculation.

- Explore various themes and fonts to enhance your user experience.


Category: Tools App
Developer: todayweather.co
Updated  27 February, 20225
Android V  : 4.4+
App Version : 2.3.4

NOTE: XAPK File game or App must be compress with Zarchiver or any other XAPK Compressor App before you install it



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