WiFi App: passwords, hotspots APK file for Android

WiFi App: passwords, hotspots APK file for Android

Free online and offline maps with wifi passwords, public and private hotspots all around the world! Works even with no Internet connection!

osmino Free WiFi App - it's 120 million free WiFi hotspots!

Fast and free internet wherever you are! Free and easy way to find WiFi passwords!

Offline maps and password database available immediately and for free!

osmino WiFi - a manager to search public wifi hotspots and passwords to private networks accross the world.

Download offline maps of the whole world with WiFi passwords or download just one region you need with all WiFi hotspots. It's free!

There are already nearly 120 000 000 wifi hotspots on osmino map in more than 50 countries:

More than 5 000 000 hotspots in USA

Over 3 000 000 wifi hotspots in Korea

Nearly 600 000 hotspots in Mexico and over 400 000 in Brazil

more than 3 million hotspots with passwords in Russia

about 170 thousand wifi hotspots in Ukraine

500 000 hotspots on the map of Italy,

400 000 on the map of Spain,

France has more than 600,000 hotspots,

Germany - 450 000

about 200 000 wifi hotspots in India

more than 700 000 wifi spots in Vietnam,

about 100 000 wifi networks in Poland,

200 000 hotspots in Indonesia and Turkey in each,

more than 700 000 wifi hotspots with passwords on Japan map.

You can check the nearest public networks on our Wi-Fi hotspot map.

It's very simple now to connect to WiFi - our WiFi map is always close at hand. On our WiFi map you can easily find the nearest WiFi hotspots, wifi passwords, reviews about WiFi connection and places where WiFi is located.

You can also share the wifi password to a known network and make it available to other osmino Free WiFi App users, just select "Share".

Staying connected on the go has never been easier! osmino WiFi App is an innovative solution to find free Wi-Fi hotspots anywhere in the world. No surprise the osmino WiFi App is an absolute success among travellers!

On our WiFi map you can find American major networks WiFi full information:

Xfinity wifi - over 3 mln WiFi hotspots in the USA

Optimum WiFI - over 600 thousand WiFis in the USA

Cable WiFi - over 600 thousand WiFis in the USA

TWC WiFi - over 300 thousand WiFis in the USA

AT&T - over 200 thousand WiFis in the USA

All the above listed WiFi networks provide free internet access with time or traffic limits. This free internet access is enough to check your messengers, email or use navigation


Category: Tools App
Developer: Mobile Agenda FZE LLC
Updated    : 23/01/2025.
Android V  : 5.0+
App Version : 8.100.14

NOTE: XAPK File game or App must be compress with Zarchiver or any other XAPK Compressor App before you install it



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