Poems & Poets English Offline APK file for Android

Poems & Poets English Offline APK file for Android

Thousands of great poems available offline with great poets and their poetry.

This is the app for Poetry Lovers .

We have picked some really known famous poets for showcasing their poems and poetry work in our app.

The App is fully functional without the internet. The user interface is very fast and responsive and can be used equally well even in flight mode.

• More than 300 of the most respected poets and their poetry work

• More than 37000 of the most popular poems and poetry

• Bookmark your favorite poems

• Fast and responsive user interface

• Share feature to easily send your favorite poems / poetry to your friends

• App fully functional without the internet

All the poets and their poems and poetry work are beautifully organized.

Poets included :

☆ Maya Angelou

☆ Margaret Atwood

☆ Matthew Arnold

☆ Yehuda Amichai

☆ Anna Akhmatova

☆ Ai

☆ John Ashbery

☆ Jane Austen

☆ Dante Alighieri

☆ Louisa May Alcott

☆ Richard Aldington


Category: Books and Reference App
Developer: Banaka
Updated    : 20/01/2025.
Android V  : 7.0+
App Version : 4.9.1
NOTE: XAPK File game or App must be compress with Zarchiver or any other XAPK Compressor App before you install it



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