Notes - Recycle Note APK file free Download

Notes (Recycle Note) is a good helper to manage your schedules and notes.

Notes (Recycle Note) is a good helper to manage your schedules and notes. It gives you a quick editing experience when you write notes, memo and message.

☞☞☞ Ability of Recycle Note ☜☜☜

✍ Save memo and message.

✍ Recover memo and message.

✍ Find your memo and message.

✍ Change the background color within the application.

✍ Automatical change the language within an application according to the language on your phone.

✍Modify the format as needed.


Category: Productivity App
Developer: Patchara Development
Updated    : 29/01/2025.
Android V  : 5.0+
App Version : 1.4.8

NOTE: XAPK File game or App must be compress with Zarchiver or any other XAPK Compressor App before you install it



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