FUTBIN 22 Database & Draft 9.24 Apk for Android

FUTBIN 22 Database & Draft 9.24 Apk for Android

Application Description:

With the FUTBIN app you can explore the news, database, information, football notifications, build squads, play draft simulator, get current player prices including historical graph, consumables prices and player stats!

What else can be found in our app? Here is the list:

Notifications which includes:

Player alerts

Market alerts 

Squad alerts 

SBC alerts 

OTW/Headliner alerts 

Player performance alerts

-SBC - Squad Building Challenges details and solutions.

- Squad Builder including player suggestions based upon chemistry and links.

- Tax Calculator.

- Full Team Of The Week list sorted by dates.

- Option to save your squads and access it on our website as well.

- Consumable Prices.

- Player comparison

- Informative player page which includes:

1) 3 Lowest Buy Now prices of the player.

2) Daily and Hourly prices graphs.

3) In-game Stats.

4) General info such as: Traits, Workrates, Versions, Skills and more.

5) Automatic Tax Calculator based on the 3 lowest BIN's.

6) Price Range.




-Chemistry optimizer

And much more...

Start improving your Squad building and trading skills now!

We hope you will enjoy our app. Feel free to contact us on our Twitter page (@FUTBIN).

Category: Sports App
Developer: FUTBIN
Updated    : 03/08/2022.
Android V  : 5.0+
App Version : 9.24



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