Application Description:
The New version of the Time Calculator Cardamon 2.0 helps you calculate work hours and minutes and convert time units, using the following operations:
🔹 Add
🔹 Subtract
🔹 Multiply
🔹 Divide
🔹 Convert Time Units
Use the calculator for a time as a calculator for work or for time duration calculation or as a calculator for calculating periods in music, or for calculating the final time of a laboratory experiment
🔹 Instant result
🔹 Converting time units
🔹 Setting the format of the result
🔹 Expression and result fields with an autofit font
🔹 Calculate the amount for the time interval (salary, distance, etc)
✅ 1 Hour + 2 Hours 30 Minutes = 3 Hours 30 Minutes
or if you will set convert to format "Hours" result will be
✅ 3.5 Hours
Example of calculating the salary for the time interval:
50 USD per Hour in 35 Hours. Result will be
✅ 1750 USD
The Calculator allows to convert Time to following formats:
1. Year
2. Year Month
3. Year Month Day
4. Year Month Day Hour
5. Year Month Day Hour Minute
6. Month
7. Month Day
8. Month Day Hour
9. Month Day Hour Minute
10. Month Day Hour Minute Second
11. Month Week
12. Week
13. Week Day
14. Day
15. Day Hour
16. Day Hour Minute
17. Day Hour Minute Second
18. Hour
19. Hour Minute
20. Hour Minute Second
21. Minute
22. Minute Second
23. Second
It can used as a Time calculator for payroll or a Time calculator for work time.
Please, contact me at, and I'll do my best to solve your issues!